Friday, April 4, 2008

It's been a while

It has been a while since I have blogged. It has been a busy week. I have had family in from out of town and my MIL has been in the s hospital and was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. I have also been busy with this kit. One of my CT members asked me to do a girl camo kit. I was having trouble with my creative juices so it took me a while to get it done. I think they are flowing again. I have this in my stores right now for 40% off until April 9th. I am still working on a freebie from this kit. I'll try to have that soon.

I have been tagged by my friend Nancy, aka Scrappy Cats. Here are the rules for this tag.

  1. Link to the person that tagged you and leave a comment on their blog, so that their readers can visit yours. -Her name is linked above.
  2. Post the rules on your blog.
  3. Share 7 Random facts about yourself on your blog.
  4. Tag 7 random people at the bottom of your post, linking to their blog. Let each person know by leaving a comment on their blog.

I am a pretty boring person, so I have no idea what I am going to put down. Let's just see what random things I can come up with.

  1. I am Mormon.
  2. I am allergic to onions. They give me a really bad stomach ache.
  3. My mom was a professional seamstress, but I hate to sew. My mom tried and tried to teach me and I just never liked it. I own a sewing machine but I still ask my MIL to sew things for me.
  4. I LOVE American Idol. I won't miss it. We have the DVR set up to record each and every episode.
  5. I have always wanted 6 children. We stopped at 3 because all 3 of my pregnancies required strict bedrest. I had to be on bedrest for 14 weeks with my 3rd pregnancy.
  6. I lived in the Philippines for 3 years when I was in middle school. My favorite place there was Bagio City. It was weird being able to go swimming for Christmas parties. I learned to love it though.
  7. When I was in elementary school, I struggled with reading. I just didn't get it. I started excelling in middle school and was in honors classes by the time I was in high school.

Now, I need to tag 7 people. I am going to tag Lavendar Angel, Angie, Suzanne, Kim, Tracy, Corrine, and Kellie .


candy said...

yummy kit , love the pink :)

Margie said...

Interesting tag was nice to get to know a little bit about you!

Corrine said...

I did the tag thing but changed it :)

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the tag. It was nice to know some random facts about ya and I appreciate the help to spread the word about my new blog. :-)