Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

I hope everyone has had a good Easter. We have had a pretty good Easter. Stan got sick last night. He has been battling allergies all week and started running fever last night. My allergies have also been bad and that resulted in a migraine today.

Yesterday, we had a great day. Stan's sister, Emily came over with Jacob and Grace. My brother came with his wife and 5 kids. They were late, but they always are. It was such a beautiful day yesterday. We did an Easter Egg hunt in our back yard. Here are a few layouts I did with the pictures from yesterday and today. I used the kit, Easter, by Aimee Suarez. This is such a cute kit. I have lots more pictures to scrap, so I'll have more later.

I also stopped in at The Digichick yesterday and picked up a few of Darcy's fonts. I used her font Tabitha Script for these layouts. I love using handwritting fonts. I loved so many of her fonts. I had a hard time deciding on which font to get.


Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful kit! I'm sorry your little one got sick last night, I just wrote the same thing in my blogpost, my dd also got sick! I hope they will get better soon. Happy easter to you too!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic kit!Hope your dd gets better soon adn I'm glad you had a fantastic holiday.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, hope all are feeling better now! I just love Darcy's fonts, love the one I had her make for me to death!
Have a great one and feel better!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful kit!

And such pretty layouts! Don't you adore Darcy's fonts??

I hope your little one feels better!

Kutnkudlys' Kreations said...

Darling layouts, hope everyone is feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Patricia!! I saw your comment on the Songbird Avenue blog. I created the kit for March for MS. I have been diagnosed with MS. This month, the kit was created by someone affected by the disease. Maya, who also contributed has MS as well. We both have had it for about 5 years now. Thanks so much for your support. Songbird Avenue is a wonderful site!!!

Anonymous said...

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Scrappy Cats Designs said...

great layouts - looks like a fun Easter!

PS - you have been tagged, check out my blog for details.